Tuesday 4 June 2013

ZSE feels election heat

By Daniel Chigundu
THE impending do-or-die harmonized elections set for sometime later in the year are reportedly affecting trading on the country’s bourse, market watchers have said in a report.
 In their wide-ranging weekly market watch Tetrad Holdings Limited said confusion regards the holding of elections and timing has resulted in some investors taking a wait-and-see approach.
 Zimbabwe is synonymous with holding disputed elections oftenly accompanied by a wave of violence as witnessed in June 2008 run-off.
“As expected and widely discussed here before, trading activity on the ZSE is much reduced. Most investors seem to be taking a back seat ahead of elections. Those that wanted to take positions already did so in the highly active first quarter,” read the report.
Already there is uncertainty in the country over economic policies and election dates. Jostling and rubbishing each other over interpretation of the electoral laws has reached alarming levels in the inclusive government.
Zanu PF hardliners are holding on to June 29 while the two formations of MDC are saying the date is not possible because of reforms they have demanded.
However the fighting in government is already driving away investors who were slowly gaining confidence in the country and is likely to force them to adopt a wait-and-see stance similar to what they did in 2009 at the consummation of the inclusive government.
Tetrad however said that even though there is reduced trading at the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange it has noticed a new trend slowly developing.
“Despite the low trading levels, another trend is emerging. Interest in the blue chips is still high. Econet for example has continued to command a high percentage of total trades on the market.
“Delta, BAT and PPC are at all-time highs, all reached last week. We expect this trend of low overall trading activity to persist but skewed towards blue chips,” the report said

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